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+49 9431 53-202

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+49 9431 53-524

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We at Nabaltec

Active in global growth markets

As a provider of environmentally friendly, flame-retardant fillers and special oxides, we serve growing markets the world over. The reason for this has been the increasing awareness for the environment, safety and sustainability. Driven by regulatory requirements and voluntary commitments by the industry, sustainable - environmentally friendly products and processes are continually gaining the upper hand. This has also increased the demand for our products. In addition, we are also benefiting from global growth trends such as electromobility, energy storage and stricter emission controls for internal combustion engines. 


Our strong Executive Board drives our company’s growth

  • IJohannes Heckmann

    Johannes Heckmann

    Chief Executive Officer

    After a year of study abroad in the USA, Johannes Heckmann completed his industrial engineering studies at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and began his professional career in 1993 as a project manager at Schindler Aufzüge AG in Lucerne, Switzerland. At the end of 1993, he moved to AKW Amberger Kaolinwerke GmbH, where he also worked as a project manager and, among other things, had project responsibility for constructing a kaolin plant in Brazil. In April 1995, Johannes Heckmann began his career as a managing director at Nabaltec. With the founding of Nabaltec AG and the IPO in 2006, he was appointed to the Executive Board and was responsible for the areas of production, research and development. With effect from 01/01/2017 he was appointed as Chairman of the Executive Board of Nabaltec.

  • IGünther Spitzer

    Günther Spitzer

    Chief Financial Officer

    Günther Spitzer is responsible as Chief Financial Officer for the areas of Finance/Controlling, Administration and IT. After an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk in 1985 he began his career at the VAW aluminium AG Schwandorf factory. Following further training to become a company accountant, he then became head of cost accounting in 1991. Upon completion of a job-accompanying course in business economics in the year 1998, Günther Spitzer was then Head of Controlling at Nabaltec AG until 2008. In addition, since 2009, he has also been responsible for the area of Financing. In 2009 he was also granted general commercial power of representation. In this role, he was responsible for optimizing the financing structure. Major projects included the issue of a bond in 2010 for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the issuance of two bonded loans in the years 2013 and 2015. With effect from 01/01/2017, Gunther Spitzer has been Chief Financial Officer at Nabaltec AG.

  • IDr. Alexander Risch

    Dr. Alexander Risch

    Chief Operating Officer

    Dr. Alexander Risch was appointed to the Executive Board at Nabaltec AG as of 1 October 2021 and is responsible for research and development, production and sales. After completing a degree in Mineralogy at the Friedrich‑Alexander University in Erlangen-Nürnberg and a dissertation at Bilfinger + Berger Umweltverfahrenstechnik in Mannheim, he joined the Geosciences Institute in Erlangen where he began work on a project supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supervised by Siemens AG focusing on high-temperature superconductive oxide ceramics. As part of the project, Dr. Alexander Risch also successfully completed his PhD thesis. From 1999, he worked in sales as a Technical Support Manager at Hoffmann Mineral GmbH before taking over management of the ‘toll manufacturing’ profit center with the aim of expanding this business division to become a second pillar. Dr. Alexander Risch managed the Sales, Marketing and Order Processing divisions of Hoffmann Mineral GmbH globally from 2006 to 2021 and during this time, gathered extensive experience in the field of industrial fillers and their functionalization.

Supervisory Board of Nabaltec AG

  • IGerhard Witzany

    Gerhard Witzany

    Chairman of the Supervisory Board

    Gerhard Witzany was as a long-standing member of the Executive Board of Nabaltec AG within the committee for business operations, where his responsibilities included sales, purchasing, marketing, financing, controlling and human resources. In 1974 he completed his studies in business economics at the University of Regensburg and was subsequently employed by Wieland Werke AG in Ulm. In 1982, he moved to Metallwerke Schwarzwald GmbH in Villingen where he was given general power of representation. From 1985 to 1992 Gerhard Witzany was Managing Director of VAW Flussspat Chemie GmbH as well as Hebel Stulln GmbH and Pharma Stulln GmbH in Stulln. He then moved to the Supervisory Board of VAW Flussspat Chemie GmbH and additionally took over the management of the Special Oxides Division of VAW aluminium AG in Berlin/Bonn. Since 1995, only briefly interrupted due to his work as a managing partner of Pharma Stulln GmbH and ALSI-PENTA Zeolithe GmbH, Gerhard Witzany was managing director and from 2006 until the end of 2016 was member of the Executive Board at Nabaltec. In addition, from 2013 until 2018 he was President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Upper Palatinate/Kelheim. Along with his family, Gerhard Witzany has been owner of a significant share of Nabaltec AG. Since June 2017, Gerhard Witzany has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nabaltec AG. Currently, Gerhard Witzany practices no further supervisory board mandates.

  • IDr. Dieter J. Braun

    Dr. Dieter J. Braun

    Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

    Dr. Dieter J. Braun started his professional career in September 1980 after studying inorganic chemistry and his promotion as an applied technician for aluminum hydroxide at VAW aluminium AG. There in 1987 he became head of sales in the Special Oxides Division headquartered in Schwandorf, and in 1988 he was entrusted with the management of the entire Special Oxides Division. After completing an Advanced Management Program at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, in 1992 he was appointed Managing Director of VAW motor GmbH. In 1996 he was appointed General Representative for VAW aluminium AG and member of the Executive Board in 1997 with responsibility for the automotive supply business, research and development, VAW of America and the central purchasing coordination. After the acquisition of VAW by Norsk Hydro in 2002, Dr. Dieter J. Braun assumed the chair of the management boards of Hydro Aluminum Deutschland GmbH (HAD) as well as Norsk Hydro Deutschland Verwaltungsgesellschaft GmbH (NHDV). At the same time, while managing Hydro Aluminium A.S. in Oslo he was also responsible for the global automotive supply business. Following his retirement from these functions on the 05/31/2006, Dr. Dieter J. Braun moved to the supervisory boards of the German Hydro companies HAD and NHDV until 2013. In October 2009 he took over the chairmanship of the Supervisory Board of Smetan Engineering GmbH. In 2011 he became a member of the Supervisory Board of Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH. He carried out both activities until 2013. Since 2006 Dr. Dieter J. Braun has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Nabaltec AG as well as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Heyn Partner GmbH since 2011 and is currently not a member of any other statutory supervisory board or a comparable control committee of any other company.

  • IDirk A. Müller

    Dirk A. Müller

    Member of the Supervisory Board

    - Currently only available in German -

    Nach Abschluss seines Betriebswirtschaftsstudiums an der Universität Münster begann Dirk A. Müller seine berufliche Laufbahn bei der Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft EY (Ernst & Young) in Düsseldorf. Nach sechs Jahren im Bereich der Wirtschaftsprüfung bei EY - einschließlich eines zweijährigen Auslandseinsatzes bei EY Boston / USA - wechselte er als Leiter Bilanzen und Steuern zur Jackstädt GmbH / Wuppertal, einem Hersteller von selbstklebenden Etiketten und Folien. Nach 4 Jahren kehrte er 1999 wieder zu EY Düsseldorf zurück und schloss sich dem Bereich Equity Capital Markets / Transaction Services an, wo er Mitte 2002 zum Partner befördert wurde. Dort verantwortete er die Beratung bei zahlreichen Börsengängen sowie eine Vielzahl von Buy-Side und Sell-Side Due Diligences, bevor er dann im Oktober 2003 als Geschäftsführer und CFO zu A.T.U Auto-Teile-Unger in Weiden i.d.OPf. wechselte, wo er für die Bereiche Finanzen, Controlling, Investor Relations, Steuern, EDV und Logistik verantwortlich zeichnete. Nach fünf Jahren bei A.T.U zog es ihn als CFO zur SiC Processing GmbH, Hirschau, und in seiner letzten Funktion war er als Geschäftsführer und Group CFO für die Onlineprinters-Gruppe in Fürth tätig. Dirk A. Müller hat in seiner Zeit bei EY die Berufsqualifikationen zum Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und CPA erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Dirk A. Müller ist seit 2024 Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats der Nabaltec AG und gehört derzeit weder einem anderen Aufsichtsrat noch einem vergleichbaren Kontrollgremium eines anderen Wirtschaftsunternehmens an.
